So why then, when I audit my monthly spending, am I seeing more of my hard earned cash going to the likes of Runner's Need? Its the curse of any really good hobby, you start to get really geeky about the details. The proper trainers that support your ankles, the difference wicking fabric makes, discovering compression socks that aid recovery (yes really!) and good running headphones so you're not faffing about with wires and rubbish sound. That and I love to accessorise. So its not a huge surprise really. Its just the occasion that's changed. I have yet to buy my new winter boots (mine are now two seasons old - shock horror!) but I have new running tights, sports bras and winter tops.
Times have most certainly changed. On the way back from brunch with a friend of mine, rather than popping into the many lovely boutique shops in Chiswick, I spent a good 20 minutes in Sweaty Betty looking at High Vis clothing and chatting to the lovely staff about half marathons (and the hazards of running with the significant other!). And of course I walk out thoroughly over excited about having purchased a bright yellow vest. Its called the Lightening Vest and its will be perfect for my evening training runs in the bleak mid winter. I'll be visible from space. And it cost about the same as a nice pair of courts in the Office shoe sale....So it official, I have lost my mind.
But at least I am in good company. Leaving the house this afternoon to catch up on the week's mileage, R emerged from the front door looking like a cross between Rambo and Kevin Bacon in Footloose. Complete with Nike head band and HUGE headphones. He's never left the 70's. So its fashion, but of a different sort, and its certainly not taking itself too seriously, and I don't have to bother with any dry cleaning!
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