Yes, Winter has finally arrived; brittle, windy and frosting up the windows in full force. It has taken its merry time, with November being so balmy I didn't need to dig out my thermal running gear once. This time last year Stella and I were avoiding black ice and sloshing through melted snow on the pavements.
So its been rather a shock in early December to suddenly remember how my chest sometimes hurts when I run in the cold because the air is near freezing. Or that my nose runs constantly from about 5kms and that my ears start to go ever so slightly numb. And its dark by 4:30pm so there's not even the illusion of warmth from the setting sun. Cold, dark, windy and rainy, got to love December in London, veritable runner's paradise. Ahem.
But as they say, there's no such thing as bad weather only inappropriate clothing. So I've hit the online outlets and bought some thermal base layers, headband ear phone covering thingamingers and some new iphone arm band whatyoumacallits. Sorted. Any excuse to wear neon pink outside of an 80's club night.
I only managed around 6kms this evening (coffee + gross train food + dehydration = awkward run), but I got out there. In 3 degrees and middle of the night darkness. But I feel better, less irritable and a that good kind of tired. Not exhausted, but just tired enough to know I won't have mental dreams about killer penguins in medieval England (I'm blaming George RR Martin. Obsessed)
Few things that got me through the run today:
1) This amazing lady finally releasing a few singles that I've added to my playlist, check her website Azealia Banks *warning* VERY explicit lyrics, but seriously good tunes. 212 in particular. AND I'm totally envious of her legs. So that keeps me running a little longer (thinking denim shorts in summer 2012)

2) Seeing this quote on the interweb - I can debate for over an hour. May need to tattoo this on my arm.
3) Reliving some of my misspent youth (without the hangovers or getting grounded)
I'm not usually a fan of compilation albums but this has some real gems, and is helping take my mind off the aching lungs and right back to 1996. Even the cheesy tunes, 15 years on, sound pretty good (but that could be the endorphins talking!) Ministry of Sound: Twenty Years

4) And of course, always worth remembering:
Love your blog! :-)