This was to be my first race back from the ITB injury that has me on the bench all summer. Earlier this year I was guilty of making it all running and no strength training. Or stretching. Or rolling. Of course the inevitable happened and I found myself sobbing at my physio, AGAIN. Frustrated and fed up. I was doing the same old things and expecting different results. Definition of insanity right there.
This time I decided not to take my first race back race too seriously and just enjoy it. No stressing about negative splits and no worrying about the hills' impact on my time. To get into the mood I bought six different comedy moustaches to remind me not to panic and have laugh. And even *I* couldn't take myself seriously in this get up. Stylin'
Nadia and I repping the MO: Serious Business |
I arrived at Greenwich park around 9am to meet up with the rest of the crew. Registration was seamless, with very little queuing and we had our numbers and race chips pinned on, lopped through in no time at all.
This left plenty of time to choose a respectable moustache (I went for Hulk Hogan), have a pre race dance (Disclosure, on repeat, standard). Remember its about 3 degrees here and we're all wearing lycra. Brrrrrrr!
As we set off for the start line, I was introduced to Natalie who would be running her first 10K race, and we decided we'd take on this hilly, two lap course together. After almost losing each other at the start, (over 2,000 people!) we found an acceptable pace and took on the race.
We couldn't have asked for better conditions. The course cleared shortly into the race so there wasn't a huge amount of congestion, we warmed up really quickly and the views were just spectacular.
What. A. Day. |
The Supreme Cheer Dem Crew, lead by motivational guru and running bad ass Chevy Rough, had positioned themselves on the trickiest part of the course - a very nasty hill - and they gave it their all. Each and everyone of those whoops and high fives gave us the extra boost we needed to push through. In fact, you lot were so good, there were at least another three or four groups of people I over heard chatting on the train about 'that massive group on the hill' who gave each and everyone of them a lift.
For all 10kms, Natalie was a total hero and soldiered through shin splints and my constant nattering with impressive resolve. That steely determination really came into play when we approached the finish line and we both upped the pace and flew over the line straight into the running paparazzi (looking forward to seeing if we made the FB page!). Natalie clocked a great time of 1hr 8 mins for her first 10K and I was thrilled to get through without any injury niggles and a massive smile on my face. Winning!
Natalie and I showing off our new bling - well done Natalie! |
A huge thank you to Glenn Hannock, all round legend and project manager extraordinaire, who not only motivated over 100 of us to get signed up ahead of the event, but sorted out training runs, meet up points, and also managed to set up RDC base complete with music, balloons and our own private bag drop! How lucky are we? Definitely IN for 2014.
Marvy Medal |